Monday, November 16, 2009

new maquettes

Here are the four maquettes for the pieces I'm currently working on. The pictures aren't great but they give you a bit of an idea of what's on the go. The finished works will have colour, furnitures, wallpaper and moving parts. I'm trying to figure out motors and gears etc which should be interesting as I'm generally mechanically inept.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Failures/works in progress

I haven't posted recently as I've been in the studio working on some dimensional works. Since this is relatively new territory for me, I've been producing a lot of failures and half-starts. Here are a couple of works that provided me with some interesting ideas but didn't go anywhere themselves.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Day Can't be Like the Night, 2009
Lithography and silkscreen 22" x 30"

Friday, March 27, 2009

At Every Stage, A Longing, 2009 
Lithography and silkscreen 11" x 15"

The above print was created for the 2009 ACAD print portfolio.  

In other news, I've had a print accepted into the 15th Space Print Biennial Seoul in Korea.  The opening is on April 8th.  I've also had a print accepted into the 20th LAPS Print Biennial in LA which opens in the fall.  Links to both sites to come once more information is up about each exhibition.  

Friday, February 13, 2009

Cold-Weather Building Details, 2009
Lithography and silkscreen, 22" x 30" 


Untitled, 2009. Lithography and silkscreen, 4" x 6"

Untitled, 2009. Lithography and silkscreen, 4" x 6"

The above prints were made for the annual postcard show at the 
Alberta Printmakers' Society in Calgary.